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Concordia University Irvine has zero-tolerance for sexual abuse 和暴力. The 第九条 Office is committed to providing a living, 学习, and working environment that promotes personal integrity and mutual respect in a setting that is free of discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes all forms of sexual misconduct.

教育: Concordia University Irvine’s Commitment to All

In support of Concordia University Irvine’s sexual harassment, 跟踪, and sexual violence policies, Concordia University Irvine provides the following sexual assault educational resources and awareness education to all 教师, 工作人员, 和学生.

  • Annual 第九条 and sexual assault prevention education for resident directors, resident assistants, student leaders, 运动员, 和教练.
  • Mandatory Sexual Harassment training during Orientation (WOW) for all new and transfer students.
  • 培训 all employees through the Office of Human 资源 during new-hire orientation.
  • Distribution of information on Sexual Harassment, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking including information listed in the Student Code of Conduct and the Employee Handbook.
  • 另外, 校园安全 provides walk-up access to the 校园安全 Office, reporting services to on-ground officers, 办公室电话, or by Titan HST phone app, safety escorts 24/7, safety videos/ presentations (upon request).

Informational Videos

培训: The 第九条 Team

Concordia University Irvine will ensure that all 第九条 Coordinators, 调查人员, and mandated responsible employees with the authority to address sexual violence are trained how to respond promptly, 有效地, and appropriately to reports of sexual violence. The 第九条 Team is trained through ongoing monthly meetings led by the 第九条 Coordinators as well as annual trainings hosted by third-party companies.

As a part of the training of employees, Concordia University Irvine will ensure that professional counselors, pastoral counselors, and nonprofessional counselors also understand the extent to which they may keep a report confidential. These trainings will also ensure that all responsible employees know their obligation to report sexual violence to appropriate university officials.

Prevention: Bystander Intervention

If acts of violence against other individuals are observed, members of the Concordia University Irvine community have the option to intervene to help stop the act, only if it is safe and positive to do so without risking further harm. Suggested options include:

  • 拨打911.
  • Contact 校园安全 at: (949) 214-3000.
  • Witnesses can yell to draw attention to an act of violence from a safe distance in order to frighten off the perpetrator and remain in the area to provide witness information to the authorities.

Honor One Another Campaign

Honor One Another is a university-wide initiative to cultivate a wise and honorable campus community. The campaign is rooted in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Rome in which he wrote, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourself.” (Romans 12:10). With this in mind, Concordia strives to foster an environment in which its members value and respect one another and place their neighbor’s welfare above their own. Together as a campus, we are committed to building a community of caring, inclusive of our diverse population, and free from harassment, 种族歧视, 性别歧视, 和暴力. Watch the Honor One Another video.
